Friday, February 11, 2011

thaumatrope on a stick

What's a thaumatrope, you ask?  Well staying on my Valentine's Day kick, Ithought I would share this brilliant idea for homemade valentines! To me, handmade anything is the best kind, especially for holiday cards.  As clever and witty greeting cards can be (trust me, I had an addiction to the Hallmark aisle in grocery stores for quite some time, stocking up for "future" events), there's nothing as cute or meaningful and one made with tender love and care. Even more so when they're in action!

Side one : your love
Side two: your charming self
1 + 2 = Voila!

Use this thaumatrope-on-a-stick on Made by Joel, as inspiration.  A great arts & crafts project for the weekend!

Materials:  Paper, cardboard, double-stick tape or glue, round chopstick or kebab stick, photo prints or drawings of kissers in profile.  Line them up carefully so that they work together when you spin the stick, and test it out before you glue!

1 comment:

  1. you are don't cool

    no Its' a jock hihihiihihhihiihihhhiihhihi
